Hahn & Clay F.A.C.T., T.A.C.T., and F.C.C.T. systems provide for the remote operation of vessel closures in hazardous environments. Developed by Hahn & Clay in 1987 and first installed in 1990, this technology frees plant operations personnel from physically demanding or hazardous tasks, while significantly reducing the time required for closure opening and closing.

These systems also offer vastly improved sealing technology and bolt torqueing methods. By simultaneously tensioning all bolts - utilizing the patented force actuator - uniform loading is transmitted to the gasket. The resulting seal is mechanically locked in place by the patented ramp ring design. This technology brings closure sealing under operating conditions a quantum leap closer to ideal conditions.

Utilizing remotely removable bolting, the entire closure operation can now be accomplished from a control center located a safe distance from the operating unit. This greatly reduces the risk of operator exposure to the dangers of leaks, production processes, and operating hazards.

Remote Pressure Vessel Closure